Monday, January 23, 2012

The OCD Apple

For the last several months Maison throws a fit if things are on her fingers or on her clothes. She shouts out, "On the finger!" if she has food on her fingers and will not continue eating until her hands or clean. If she drops something on her shirt she'll yell, "On the shirt! On the shirt!" until it is wiped off. I really started to appreciate Maison's OCD trait when after dinner the other night she pointed to crumbs on the table and then looked at Adam and said, "Clean this up." I've been wanting to say that for years!

But then today I heard a major meltdown coming from the playroom while I was on a conference call and my mom was watching Mais. Apparently Maison was extremely unhappy that she had fuzz from the playroom rug on her pants. In her defense, the playroom rugs shed worse than the 3 cats we had collectively and she had on fleece pants so they pick up everything. When she realized her pants were covered in piles of red fuzz she told Nooey, "I need a shower." Noo was a little perplexed as to why Maison needed a shower and upon asking her for an explanation she received mass hysteria regarding said shower. When Noo finally calmed her down Maison looked at Noo and said, "Ok, how about a bath?" Yes, the OCD apple doesn't fall too far from the tree!

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