Monday, February 28, 2011

83rd Academy Awards

Guliana: "Welcome back to the 83rd Academy Awards where we are live from the Red Carpet. I'm Guliana Ranic here with Kelly Osbourne and we are bringing you all the fashion and all the glam on this extraordinary night. I think I see Maison Maslow making her way down the carpet. She is escorted by her mother and father."

Kelly: "Tonight all the major stars seem to be wearing red so it's nice to see an off-white patterned dress. Most stars shy away from patterns at this event, but she's young and the pattern looks really hip and fresh on her."

Guliana: "Maison is rather excited as she spots Brad Pitt across the carpet. I love seeing the young stars reactions when they spot a childhood favorite celeb or someone they are in awe of. It's obvious her mother is having to hold her back."

Last night was my parents annual Oscar party. I've completely lost my touch. I have NEVER finished behind second place and last night I finished last. Yes, last as in behind my grandmother. Last as in not only did I not see one single Oscar nominated movie this year I also didn't read any of the Oscar hype on who would win. Adam decided to go with the Vegas poll. If I'm not mistaken he finished third. Urrgghhh, not a good year. Congrats to my mom who won the pot!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Is it Mardi Gras already?

Apparently Mardi Gras starts a little early at our house. And why not when it actually falls on Daddy's birthday on March 8???

Don't worry, I'll share...I'll just take the pretty one for myself and let you have the plain blue one.

Happy Mardi Gras 2 weeks early!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sweet 16

Since today is President's Day, Adam had the day off (lucky bank employee!) and I decided to take a day of vacay so that we could spend some time with Maison and run some errands we had been putting off. We started the day with a trip to the Thumb to get Starbuck's and while we were there Maison insisted on getting a Dora Happy Birthday balloon.

We then headed to the park to enjoy the beautiful weather we were having...

Even though we are at the park I'm ready for I want Chex or Puffins?

Most 16 year olds get a car for their birthday but since Maison had already gotten a "car" for her 12 month birthday and she had been too sick or it had been too cold for her to drive it we let her go to Camp Gooey to take it out for a spin on her 16 month b-day.

Daddy teaching me how to press the go button

Checking out my ride

Happy 16 months, Mais!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

8 miles of death

"8 miles of death" does not just describe how I felt after running 8 miles this morning after a night out drinking for the first time in weeks, but yet describes what I encountered on this morning's run. At 1 1/2 miles a dead bird, at 3 1/2 miles a dead rat (eeewww!), and at 8 miles a dead baby bird. If these animals were in the road I might have not been so disgusted but these were right in the middle of the sidewalk where I was running.

Does the C.O.P. not have to clean these up? Does the "road kill" staff only have to take care of animals in the road? Are these animals just supposed to sit here and rot because no one feels it's their responsibility to dispose of them humanely?

Lessons learned after today's run:
1. Don't drink profusely and expect to feel good running 8 miles
2. Don't drink profusely and expect to not want to hurl up your breakfast when you see multiple dead animals
3. Don't run 8 qualifier necessary just don't

On the Block

Yesterday afternoon we went to our neighborhood block party. To most this would not be out of the ordinary, but I have lived in this house since 1982 and this was the FIRST block party that has ever been held. We live on the busiest street in our neighborhood. So busy that we have 4 sets of speed bumps to slow people down. So busy that a block party takes place inside some one's house because our street is too busy to close it for an outside block party.

The couple that lives 3 houses down decided to have this party because "so many new families have moved in." On our block we only knew this couple and the people that live in two other houses so we decided we should go to the party. Apparently, a lot of people have moved in since the neighborhood was built in 1978. Every one at the party had lived here since the 80s with the exception of 2 families who both had children about Maison's age.

Maison was enthralled with these children seeing as how she rarely sees other kids. She literally chased one of the little Asian girls and pointed at her going "ugh, ugh". The child was terrified and ran to her mother for safety. Maison wouldn't leave this 6 month old boy alone to the point that his mother finally gave Maison his rattle to play with. She wants nothing to do with her rattles at home but she had to have this rattle and walk around the room acting like she was on the phone saying "heeeeyyy".

After an hour of fighting Maison from breaking something or terrifying a child we decided to leave. It was Maison's bedtime and we thought we had done our part by meeting the people who admitted to peeping in our windows through the year of our home remodeling. So that's what's happening on our block since 1978. I look forward to the next party in the next 30+ years.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I'm going to Canyonlands ~ 1 month to go!

I know the saying is "I'm going to Disneyland" but I've never been to Disneyland, nor do I plan to go to Disneyland because I'm going to Canyonlands...and I'm going one month from today. What is Canyonlands? Only one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. Gorgeous red rocks, topped with brilliant white snow. No other way to describe it than A-MAZ-ING.

Adam and I went to Moab in 2007 for his birthday in March. While we were there we saw the Canyonlands half marathon. I don't know why, but when I saw the runners leave our resort the morning of the race, I knew that I would some day do it. Me, run a half marathon? Now that's funny. I'm NOT a runner, never have been a runner, nor have I ever really planned to be a runner. When I was younger (much younger...hhheeem) I thought of myself as a sprinter. Trying to turn a sprinter into a runner is quite the ordeal. But if I am ever to become a is the time. This race will be worth every painful training mile run...

I was going to post some breathtaking pictures from our last Moab trip but we have seemed to misplaced all our pictures from 2007-Aug 2008. So weird. Anyway, instead I will show you my "golden ticket" my entry confirmation for Canyonlands. Now if I could just muster up the energy to wave it over my head and sing "I've got a golden ticket. I've got a ray of light." ala Charlie from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory you would get the idea how excited I am to be doing this race.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Time to Play

Maison's playroom is finally finished! We started converting our solarium into a playroom when we were snowed in for four days and now it's complete with the exception of a little baby proofing...

We play most days from 6:45 am until 7pm. Come on over!

I seriously couldn't make this up...

Last night I went to Target and when I got home I unloaded some of the purchases, closed the back gate on the car, closed the garage door, and went in the house. I asked Adam to go get the rest of the things out of the car. I asked him to leave my keys on the sideboard and he said he didn't use the keys, he just opened the back glass.

I didn't think much of any of this last night until I got ready to leave for my doctor appointment this afternoon. Of course I was running late (am I ever not???) and so I pushed the button to open the garage door and started to walk towards the car. As I put my hand on the door handle I heard the most awful metal noise you have ever heard and watched my car being lifted off the ground (my EXPEDITION!). I was completely perplexed until I realized that the back gate to my car was open and the lip of the garage door had caught on it and was lifting it up.

In a panic, I started to try to close both the garage and the back of the car (via remote key) at the same time. It only made the issue worse. Somehow pushing the buttons repeatedly opening/closing both at different times finally dislodge the car gate from the garage door. When it finally dislodged, the back of my car literally fell a foot or so and bounced on the wheels. I just stared in disbelief....

I manually closed the gate, got into the car, and left for my appointment. I didn't have time to see what damage was done and really just don't need another problem right now. I called Adam on my way and he swears he didn't open the back gate last night so we are at a complete loss as to how the gate was open, how the battery didn't die, and last but not least, how on earth did the car gate and the garage door get intertwined??? I seriously could not make this up if I tried!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Just like Mommy

Maison has started showing some signs that she likes some of the same things that I do. It is no secret how much I like to take baths. I would take one every night if I had the time and wasn't so exhausted that I'd probably fall asleep and drown if I did. Just like me, Maison LOVES bath time. I fill the tub up where it's like a swimming pool rather than a bath. She plays until the last bit of water drains out of the tub. She must have been watching how I let the water out, because if she is not ready to get out she just reaches over and closes the drain. It has now turned into a game. I say "Maison it is time to get out" and she giggles and closes the 10 times. There is really no point to even suggest getting out until there is literally not a drop of water to be splashed.

After her bath I lay her on our bed to dry her off and put on her pjs. She has always loved the bazillion pillows on our bed, but this last past week she literally cries until I let her go play in the pillows. She'll squirm and fight me to get to those pillows so there is no telling what stage of dress she'll be in as she starts flopping around in them.
I LOVE PILLOWS....especially really nice down ones (I'm partial to the Hotel brand by Macy's). We have six king size pillows and 3 decorative pillows on our bed. I have to admit it's quite nice to just flop over into that big pile of fluff so I really don't blame Mais for her new found post-bath routine. If there was a way to combine a bath with pillows I think she would literally explode with excitement...and I would too!

Monday, February 14, 2011


That's Happy Valentine's Day! Apparently, I like titles that sound like acronyms for horrible diseases....maybe it's my way of getting your attention....

Maison is still on her valentine's high and it has nothing to do with eating her weight in chocolate since she is still not allowed to have sugar. I think it has more to do with every time someone walks through the door they have a new surprise for her.

Checking out HK's new HVD tee:

Tying one on ~ a million toys and I prefer to prance around in Daddy's old tie:

Helping Daddy with my new Phineas and Ferb figures:

Sunday, February 13, 2011


In celebration of tomorrow's Valentine's Day we took Maison to visit my family this afternoon. Of course a "valentine" has to be done up in Valentine's flare and I don't think you can top this adorable v-day dress that my mom bought Maison. It's about as valentinesy as you can get!

In full V-day flare (including my bow)...

A bow just weighs you down when you are chasing Daddy around the kitchen...

I love the great danes that live next door to Camp Gooey!

Watch out G'Daddy, here I come!

Adam and I as we were leaving for our pre-VD celebration at Roy's.

Happy Valentine's to all from our sweet little Valentine, Maison!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Check the microwave

If your phone goes missing you might want to check the microwave because apparently that is an appropriate place for a 15 month old to leave it. Maison loves to play with our iphones and when I couldn't find mine this morning Adam called it. We heard a ringing from Maison's kitchen and low and behold my darling daughter had put my phone in the microwave and shut the door. I've heard of "cooking the books" but cooking a phone is a new one even for me!


Apparently we live in God D*&$ Green Bay, or as I like to say GDGB, because we are home again today for our FIFTH SNOW DAY in Feb. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the red velvet cupcakes I sent to Fin. So my BFF, NBC weatherman David Finfrock (aka "Fin") might have mentioned he had a sweet spot for red velvet which just happens to be my speciality. All I know is that after the horrible day we had yesterday a little snow day was just what the doctor ordered. So if it required a little sweet bribery then so be it...don't judge!

Fin, I'll be looking for "P" on the 5:00 news tonight for cancellations for tomorrow, do you think you can bring us snow day #6?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wreck of a Day

This morning I had my post-op appointment for my gum surgery. I was running late, of course, and when I was ready to leave I couldn't find my keys anywhere. Adam had driven my car yesterday and he rarely puts keys in a logical place, so after 10 min of looking I started to call him...and call him...and call him. I became furious after about 10 calls and no answer. And then he answered, I rudely asked "How many times do I have to call before you answer? 50?" and when he responded that he was on the phone with 911 when I called I quickly changed my tone.

Adam got into a wreck on his way to work this morning. Luckily he was on the side streets so wasn't going very fast but he was the last car hit in a 3 car pile up. He says he's ok and his truck just has the bumper shoved up under the bed of the truck, but we know from my mom's wreck just 5 weeks ago that you may seem ok now but be very sore in days to come.

As if that wasn't a great enough way to start out the day, I still had my post-op appointment and an ortho appointment to go to. My post-op was pretty non-eventful. I did have to deal with Rookie Amber but she removed the remaining stitches with minimal pain and no bleeding for once. I'm not exactly where I should be in the healing process so still have to watch what I eat (no chips or crackers...UGH!) and have to have a follow up in 4 more weeks....awesome.

To top off this wonderful day, I had to go back to the orthopedic surgeon regarding my plantar. My feet are feeling ok after switching to the custom orthodics but my knee was killing me after running on Sunday. Apparently, having my gait corrected has resulted in putting too much pressure on my IT band. I have to do non-impact activities until the pain subsides and take an anti-inflammatory. Just when I need to drown my sorrows in a robust cabernet I can't drink due to taking an anti-inflammatory, but I did cheer myself up with a 44oz from Race Trac...sometimes you just have to give in to your addictions.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Sunday - Starting off right

Yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday and my parents hosted their annual SB party. We have several traditions at Ellington hosted events but usually they involve eating, drinking, and gambling. Today of course included all 3. Maison is definitely showing her Ellington roots partaking in said traditions by eating her weight in gold fish, drinking several sippee cups of water, and picking the numbers for the betting squares. Not only does she participate in all advertised activities, she also has added dancing as a must at all Ellington events.

Maison picking winning numbers:

Dancing it out, and why not when you are wearing a tutu?

At least we are starting her out right!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Gary Busey spotted in Dallas!

I guess Gary Busey is in Dallas for the Super Bowl because I spotted him today. He was minding his own business and playing with a pot (don't ask!) until the paparazzi showed up.

When he saw them he became enraged and began yelling at them.

And then he tried to hide from them under a wicker basket...really? The nerve of some celebrities!

Never on Sunday

After being shut-in for 4 days due to snow and 2 weeks of not eating a whole lot besides milkshakes and ice cream, you can imagine how excited I was to go to Hobby Lobby and Chick Fila today. I love me some Hobby Lobby. It's one of those stores that you go in for one thing and buy two carts worth of stuff you just "had to have". Today I had to have 12 picture frames for Maison's 6 month and 1 year pictures. You know...the kind of urgent errand you just have to do after 4 days of no errands.

On the way home I stopped at Chick Fila to pick up lunch. Is it just me or is the Chick Fila drive thru always ridiculous? Seriously, 20 cars on Saturday at 2:00 when there is still ice and snow on the roads. Why are Chick Fila customers so lazy? Park your Chick Fila lovin azz and go in! I'm thinking this as I park and go in and totally eat it on the ice! How's that for Murphy's Law? Maybe I should have attempted to drive through the drive thru on the ice after all.

I was so happy when I got home. Not because I survived the treacherous drive, but because Hobby Lobby followed by "real food" (i.e. did not include milkshake or soup) from Chick Fila is just about the best day ever. I was so excited until I realized that this wonderful experience could NEVER happen on Sunday...EVER....because both Hobby Lobby and Chick Fila are owned by holy rollers or Mormons or some squat and are not open on Sundays....

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day, Indeed!

Looks like we got about 5 inches.

Several of my friends are complaining on facebook that they have nothing to do for the 4th snow day. We are having a great time while shut-in! I bake something yummy everyday. So far popovers with cinnamon butter, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, and granola bars. What will I make today?

We actually have used a room we haven't used in about 4 months, the gym...and it is being used for working out and not laying in the floor and watching Days of our Lives. We also are converting our solarium into a play room. See all you need is a project to get through these snow days. I've gotten more done in the last 3 days than I have in months.

Do you think Finfrock can bring me snow day number 5 on Monday? We are expecting snow and I could really have fun at the Super Bowl party if I knew I wouldn't have to work on Monday. I'm just sayin....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Give me a P

Apparently I'm in with Fin...that would be David Finfrock, NBC weather man, because when I turned on the TV in the gym it was scrolling through cancellations for tomorrow and it was already on P. Palo Alto, Pilot Point...wait for it, wait for it...there it is! PLANO CLOSED FRIDAY.

Looks like history in the school (or work!) for the 4th straight day. I bet even Adam is thinking snow days are pretty cool right now...

Never since 1982...

I have lived in Plano since 1982 and never since then have we had 3 snow days (official only if PISD is closed) in a row. But today we do! Snow day times 3...woo-hoo!

I don't know why I get so excited. I work from home almost everyday anyway. But on snow days Adam stays home, on snow days we get to play with Maison all day, on snow days you get to bake, and eat fattening foods. On snow days you talk about nothing but the weather, the idiots on the news that are stalled out on the highway, etc. Snow days are AWESOME! Plain and simple.

According to David Finfrock, NBC weather man and my new BFF, we are supposed to get more snow tonight. What? Could it be...snow day times 4 tomorrow??? Please David, scroll those cancellations straight to P and bring me a PLANO ISD CLOSED ON FRIDAY...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day, Snow Day

"Snow Day, Snow Day" sang to Dora the Explorer Backpack song

We are home for the 2nd day today due to the snow. Adam had to make a trip to the Thumb because we were out of everything. Even he admitted the roads were awful and that we shouldn't be out driving. The entire yard is a sheet of ice so I can only imagine how the roads are.

Fortunately, we have not been hit with the rolling blackouts but we built a fire just in case. Don't want a repeat of last year where we had to take Maison out in this to go to my parents due to lack of heat. Though I will say the worse blackout we ever had was during a summer tornado and we had to pack up over 200 bottles of wine for storage at my parents so it wouldn't go bad. Thank goodness we won't have to pack up wine if the power goes out...though it may freeze in this weather!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's a snow day, yeeeaaahhh!

"It's a snow day, yeeeaaahhh!" (sang to the tune of Spa Day by Phineas and Ferb).

That's right, Plano schools were closed so even Adam stayed home...