Monday, January 30, 2012

I hate shells

I am perpetually late every where I go and have gotten worse since having Maison. I just can't seem to get her out of the house in time to get her to school and me to my parents (where I work while Maison is in school) in time for my first conference call of the day. It's not rare for me to be presenting to dozens of people from all over the world while I'm driving through school zones and listening to Maison watch The Smurfs on the car DVD player. As much as I like to think of myself as a major multi-tasker, this is even a bit much for me.

So I figured I would try some little things to speed up the morning routine such as preparing some of the breakfast items the night before. I thought making boiled eggs where all I had to do was remove the shells and the yolks (no one eats the baby chicken...right?) would eliminate the scrambling, the skillet cleaning, etc. What is up with the shells on boiled eggs? I follow my mother's explicit instructions. I do the ice bath. I do everything as told but my shells come off in little tiny bits and my eggs look like they were ridden with severe teenage acne that left horrible pitty scars.

By the time there is something on Maison's Dora plate I could have scrambled and cleaned for a family of four. I'm sorry but any meal that takes longer to remove from it's packaging than to eat is just not worth my time. Boiled eggs are like King crab legs, a whole lot of work for not much meat.

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