Sunday, February 20, 2011

On the Block

Yesterday afternoon we went to our neighborhood block party. To most this would not be out of the ordinary, but I have lived in this house since 1982 and this was the FIRST block party that has ever been held. We live on the busiest street in our neighborhood. So busy that we have 4 sets of speed bumps to slow people down. So busy that a block party takes place inside some one's house because our street is too busy to close it for an outside block party.

The couple that lives 3 houses down decided to have this party because "so many new families have moved in." On our block we only knew this couple and the people that live in two other houses so we decided we should go to the party. Apparently, a lot of people have moved in since the neighborhood was built in 1978. Every one at the party had lived here since the 80s with the exception of 2 families who both had children about Maison's age.

Maison was enthralled with these children seeing as how she rarely sees other kids. She literally chased one of the little Asian girls and pointed at her going "ugh, ugh". The child was terrified and ran to her mother for safety. Maison wouldn't leave this 6 month old boy alone to the point that his mother finally gave Maison his rattle to play with. She wants nothing to do with her rattles at home but she had to have this rattle and walk around the room acting like she was on the phone saying "heeeeyyy".

After an hour of fighting Maison from breaking something or terrifying a child we decided to leave. It was Maison's bedtime and we thought we had done our part by meeting the people who admitted to peeping in our windows through the year of our home remodeling. So that's what's happening on our block since 1978. I look forward to the next party in the next 30+ years.

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