Thursday, October 20, 2011

Celebration of Life

Maison's school celebrates each child's birthday with a "Celebration of Life" ceremony. The parents bring pictures from each year of the child's life. The class sits in a circle with the parents and the parents tell stories for each year. The teacher lights a candle for each year of the child's life and an extra candle to represent their future years to come. The birthday child walks around the circle of her classmates after the story is told for each year. It was a wonderful celebration!

Mommy telling stories while Daddy displays the picture poster Aunt Shari made:

Maison walking around for the 1st year (I forgot what the globe was supposed to represent ;o):

Maison blowing out the candles:

After the Celebration of Life, we gave the kids cupcakes and juice. Maison had never had a cupcake before so she quickly licked the frosting off in about 2 licks and then ate her entire cupcake in about 3 bites (God only knows what it will do to this poor child's stomach). The little boy at Maison's table was going from table to table secretly sucking off every one's juice boxes while they weren't looking. While he was off stealing juice, Maison reached over and snatched his cupcake. I had to fight her for it to give it back!

"Cupcake Queen" with the "Juice Thief"

The "Juice Thief" in action. Check out his bold move right in front of Ms. Jitender!

Proof that I don't have the most dramatic child in the class. See the "arms crossed pouter" behind Adam and Maison...he was upset that Adam wouldn't play with him.

Birthday week continues...tomorrow is the State Fair!

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