Thursday, May 20, 2010

Floridians are Irish too - PK Vacay Day 6

Today we continued our trend of only eating in restaurants that are featured on the Food Network and drove to Pensacola to eat at McGuire's Irish Pub ( McGuire's was founded in 1977 and has a tradition of stapling dollar bills to the ceiling. According to the restaurant, when owner Molly McGuire received a dollar as her first tip she stapled it behind the bar for good luck. Other patrons added to her collection and eventually they reached over $1 million. Adam heard that they had to insure the place for over $ 1 million because the dollars alone were worth that. Through the years people have written messages on their dollars before they stapled them to the walls or ceilings.

Of course we had to partake:

McGuire's has some amazing drinks...Adam tried several of their beers and the Irish Wake. I tried the Chocolate Moose and the frozen Irish Coffee. I just had to try the CM since we call Maison, "Moosen". It was basically a chocolate martini, but the frozen Irish Coffee was YUM CITY. Here is the description from Adam's Irish Wake, "This will knock you dead, but everyone enjoys and Old Fashioned Irish Wake. Comes in a dirty old mason jar from the cemetery, which ye can keep" Anything missing from this description? Uh, that would be what's in it. Did this deter Adam? NO WAY! It was green and smelled like straight liquor...need I say more?

My mom tasting the Belfast Bomber:

Trying Adam's Irish Wake:

Other interesting items: A $100 Grand Burger anyone? How about "Big Daddy Burger" item added to the menu by Aaron McCargo from Food Networks, "Big Daddy's House".

So once again we went with a Food Network featured restaurant and it did not disappoint.

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