Saturday, May 26, 2012

Acute Limping

Maison's friend from swim class, Emma, parents invited us over for dinner and to swim.  The girls had been swimming and playing on the play set all afternoon.  After dinner, they were sitting nicely enjoying their popsicles:

While we were sitting at the table talking, the girls went to climb up the ladder on the playset and then we heard mass hysterics.  Maison was screaming bloody murder and crying.  She said she fell going up the ladder and hurt her leg (shin).  At first I thought she was fine but then she started limping.  She was trying to continue playing but really couldn't walk normally.  Maison rarely cries from bodily injury, in fact, she didn't cry when she cut her eye on a brick (see Brick Eye) so it was a little alarming that she was making such a fuss.  Considering I saw a third grader break his femur (largest bone in your body) while kicking a soccer ball at recess, I wasn't about to just assume a limping child had not broken something.

So off to Acute Kids we went, agreeing along the way that if the x-ray showed a fracture we would say thanks but no thanks and head to Children's hospital.  Luckily it was just a bruise.  So no treatment required other than ice and rest.  They told us she should be fine in a few days but they would have the orthopedic specialist review the x-rays and call us on Tuesday after the holiday.  We are praying that they are right...the last thing we need is another health problem with Maison.

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