Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tacky Tech

Shari and I drove down this morning for the Tech game. We got to our seats literally seconds before kick off and were greatly displeased to find two Tech fans sitting right behind us. Tech fans in general are annoying enough but the guy in this duo literally ran his mouth about how fab Tech was and how they were going to beat us the way they beat OU and on and on and on. This guy blabbed so much that one of the UT alumni that sits behind us got up and moved his seat. The Tech fan had the nerve to ask the UT guy why he was moving and the UT guy admitted it was because of the loud-mouthed Tech fan. It was only minutes into the game and Shari and I were already totally annoyed.

We some how made it to half time, keeping all our snide comments to ourselves...amazing I know. Then we returned to our seats after half time and the girl Tech fan had just gotten a snow cone. A snow cone that was quickly melting and unbeknownst to us dripping on Shari's Tod's bag. I heard a big plop of snow cone hit the concrete and I looked back to see the remnants slowly sliding down Shari's bag. When I told her she had snow cone on her bag she said in a very loud voice, "What are you 5? Why don't you try to keep your snow cone and your DSW riding boots off my $1500 purse?" And for good measure she added, "I know it cost a whole $5 so I'm sure you want to savor it." Given that she went to Tech, I think she was too stupid to know we were talking about her or maybe she was too drunk, regardless she was a Tacky Tech fan to say the least.

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