Friday, September 23, 2011

Unwelcome Friend

I went biking this afternoon for the first time in months, and came across a very unwelcome sight...

I was by the duck pond approaching the bottom of the hill and saw this huge animal. From far away I thought it was a bulldog as it was hugely fat and looked to be about 80 or 90 lbs. As I got closer I noticed it had prickly fur and as I was whizzing by I startled it causing it's fur to stand up. It looked at me and bared it's gnarly teeth. I literally said out loud, "holy sh*t what was that?"

I don't think I have ever gone up that hill faster in my entire life. I was terrified that this thing was going to come after me and bite a hole in my bike tire or worse bite the cast on my sprained ankle....either leaving me defenseless to be eaten alive.

So when I got home I did a little research and confirmed this "thing" was an enormous BEAVER! I was happy to find out that they are docile and have an aversion for biting...but I certainly don't see why people think they are cute...SICK OUT!

Representative photo of my friend:

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