Monday, January 18, 2010

Major milestone meltdowns

Major Milestone 1 - Moving Maison to her own room
Adam and I had agreed that we would move Maison to her crib in her own room when she turned 3 months on 1/21. This would have been a few days before I was scheduled to return to work on 1/25. Unfortunately, I was asked to come back to work a week early and start on 1/19 and thus we planned to move Maison to her own room this weekend. Being the procrastinators that we are, we didn't get around to moving her until last night.

We've been napping Maison in her room in her crib so that it wouldn't be a shock to her when we moved her; but Maison is not a very good napper and we are lucky if she stays in her crib 30 mins 2 times a day. So as you can imagine, last night was just a blasty blast...

I could not bear to think the poor little thing was sleeping alone in her big girl crib and could possibly die of SIDS because of our beautiful, frilly bumpers...or could break an arm or a leg if we removed the bumpers. Adam wanted to remove the bumpers since all the classes we went to said they contribute to SIDS. I wanted to leave the bumpers because she moves a lot and I didn't want her to catch a foot or a hand in the we compromised. We removed the front bumper and left the other 3. I went to sleep in her room so I could be the nighttime watchman just in case major trauma or death was at our door.

Maison has started sleeping on her side or rolling to her side so that she can change her direction in her crib. Twice I got up last night to find her foot through the front of the crib where we had removed the bumper (Told you so Adam!). I carefully tried to move her back to a back sleeping position. Twice I woke up to her coughing and then gasping for air...each time bolting out of bed only to find her pleasantly sleeping on her back and stirring because I had flung myself in her direction. Once I took a peek and found her turned 90 degrees from where she started and her head was up near the back bumper ( I'm not right either...sigh). Around 4am Maison had had enough of my antics and threw a "Class A" fit until we broke down and gave her a bottle....she'll show us!

So overall, I got roughly 2 and 1/2 hours of sleep and had to wake Adam up at 7am to give Maison her bottle because I was afraid I would fall asleep on her if I tried. Let's hope tonight goes better...if not, I'm pretty sure Maison won't be the only one having a meltdown.

Major Milestone 2 - Maternity leave is over; back to the real world
I was not scheduled to go back to work until 1/25 but was asked to come back one week early and will thus start work tomorrow. I'm really not ready. I had prepared myself for 1 more week and then it was just snapped away from me. I cannot imagine not being with Maison all day. I already arranged to work from home a large portion of this week since I agreed to return early but not sure how things are going to work out long term. I miss her when I'm gone just for a few will I ever cope? Do you think if I have a meltdown at work I'll get sent home and thus will get to be with Maison anyway???

Major Milestone 3 - Maison does Tummy Time for real!
So Maison has been rolling from her back to her side for a few weeks now but has really gotten more aggressive the last few days. We knew it was only a matter of time before she could roll all the way over onto her tummy and today she did! Yes, little Maison who HATES 'tummy time' rolled onto her tummy while playing on her Baby Einstein mat. Where was Mommy when this major event occurred? At Target! Yes, that's right I was running errands and missed out...B-O-O, H-O-O. Hopefully I see it tomorrow while I'm working from home!

Update 1/20:
Maison has done great since we moved her. She slept through the night Monday and Tuesday without me sleeping in the room with her. We hooked up the video monitor so now I just stay up all night monitoring her from afar (ok...or the room next door ;o) Let's hope she continues on this good trend!


  1. It's hard to sleep with them in their cribs the first few weeks. You'll get used to it!

  2. I never could imagine why a Mom would want to stay at home with her baby all day until I had a baby. Try coughing or melting down or saying you are going to puke and you can sneak in a few "at home" visits with her. ;o) You are a GREAT Mommy! Maison is in terrific hands.
