Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Maison!

Maison turned one today and we celebrated with a trip to the Dallas Zoo. We started at the Children's Zoo. It was kind of like a petting zoo and since we had just gone to a petting zoo a few days ago we didn't stay in this part long. We did get to go into the pen with the baby goats. Maison was so excited to get to walk around with them. Some of the other kids were terrified and would scream and run from them...but not Mais...she walked right up to them and grabbed them by the ears.

The main attractions that we saw were the elephants and the giraffes. I haven't been to the Dallas Zoo since I was in about 5th grade and it really has changed a lot. The large mammals use to be in cages with cement floors and chain-linked fences. Now they have their own natural habitat called the Giants of Savanna. It was truly awesome. The giraffes literally walk up and eat butter lettuce leafs from your hand. One even licked Maison in the hand! She just lit up as soon as they got close to her.

When we were leaving we let her choose a stuffed animal from the gift shop. She kept going towards this hideous monkey with super long hair. We had no idea why she liked it so much but since it had long hair and wasn't made for young children we convinced her to get the pink giraffe. Now every time we play with the giraffe I tell her all about our day. YEA ZOO DAY!

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