Sunday, March 21, 2010

No green beer this year

In year's past on St. Patrick's day you could find us sitting in our favorite pub drinking our weight in green beer but not this year.  Not only did I not want to be the recipient of the line from "Sweet Home Alabama"..."you have a baby, in a bar" the thought of hours wasted sitting in a bar when I could be sleeping, shoveling sh*t at my house, or doing anything remotely productive was a little nauseating.

So for Maison's 1st St. Patrick's day, she dressed up in her "Kiss me.." green shamrock footie and spent the day with her Nooey and the night with mommy and daddy.

Aside....what's up with my kid and wearing weird things on her head?  Yes, that is a onesie she is sporting in the first pic.  She's the only baby I know that doesn't cry when something is on her head!

Mommy and Daddy did have 1 beer each and no they were not green...actually they weren't even Irish....they were Hawaiian Longboard Lagers ;o)

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