Saturday, May 14, 2011

18 Month Photos! Best of 2011???

We had Maison's 18 month photos done in April by the same photographer, Sarah Toth, that did her 1 year pics last year. Since her 18 month b-day was the same week as Easter we decided to do her shoot at the Dallas Arboretum in her Easter dress. Adam and I dressed up too just in case we would need to be in some of the pictures since Maison is at the age where sitting still is a challenge, to say the least.

I knew after working with Sarah before that the pictures would turn out great, but I had no idea that a picture of Maison and me would be nominated for the "Best of 2011" photo contest by our photographer. The contest ends on May 18 so if you haven't voted for us already you can by: Logging on to Facebook, Go to "Sarah Toth Photography" page and "like" the page, Go to the Best of 2011 photo contest, find the picture of M&M and "like" our picture.

Best of 2011 nominee:

My little model in training:

Family Pics:

That's all we got, how'd you like that?

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