Friday, February 26, 2010

Here we grow again...part 2

On Monday Maison had her 4 month wellness check and she is still holding strong at the 95% for height.  They actually measured her height at 27 1/2 inches which was literally off the charts, as in above 97%, for girls.  The doctor said that was a sign of growth abnormality and wanted to other words she thought her nurse was a 'crack pot'.  When the doctor remeasured, Maison came in at 26" which is her normal 95% ...and well on her way of being half of Mommy's height of 5'3" or 31.5 inches.

How Maison has measured up thus far:

Age Weight Height
Birth 7 lbs 9 oz 21"
2 weeks 8 lbs 11 oz 21 3/4"
2 months 11 lbs 14 oz 24"
4 months 15 lbs 2 oz 26"

At 4 months, we were 'allowed' to introduce Maison to rice cereal.  Given that I am a health nut and buy organics whenever possible (aside...yet I drown myself in diet coke...hhmm, could you get MORE processed???? I need a therapist for this addiction...I think yes!) I have Maison eating ORGANIC BROWN rice cereal.  As a card carrying Republican with views just right of Rush, you would never think I was into such granola activities as organic foods, recycling, breast feeding, bike riding, BUT I AM... so organic brown rice it is for my darling.

We had to capture Maison's first "real" eating experience:

1 comment:

  1. But did you buy your own pig and cow? I've got you beat in organics! he!he! ;-)
