This afternoon was Maison's zoo birthday party. We had a family birthday party at my parents house. I thought I could go by my parents after Maison's swim lesson and decorate, pick up the cake, the food, and be home to shower by about 1:30 so that I could get dressed and then dress Maison before her party at 3:00. Simple...right?
We ordered the cake from Bake Rejoice which is in downtown Plano which is super close to my parents house but has like no parking. Since it was pouring down rain my mom drove me so that I could run in real quick, get the cake, and get back in the car. It was ready as scheduled and cuter than I envisioned. Cake pick up - check
I had ordered all of Maison's decorations off the internet and so I had to blow up all the balloons myself. Since it was a zoo theme I ordered these huge animal balloons in addition to the 1st b-day ones and the filler balloons. I didn't realize how much helium very large animal balloons take. You know my balloon blowing days from Applebee's didn't entail funny shapes at all...only round. So after animal balloon #2 we were out of helium. Uh, awesome. We only have 2 more animals, 2 first b-day, and 20 filler balloons to go and the party starts in 2 hrs. My sweet dad agreed to go to Party City to get another larger helium tank. One minor detail we didn't consider...that would be that Party City would be packed city on the weekend before Halloween. Let's just say the helium tank errand wasn't exactly quick. When he returned, Shari, my dad, and I were balloon blowing machines. I really think I'm ready to work at Party City. I can whip out balloon bouquets in minutes. House decorated, balloons inflated-check...OMG 2:00...Yikes!
Yep, 1 hour until party time and mommy has to shower, dress myself, dress Maison, pick up the food. Oh and on a good day it's a 20 min drive each way...but in a flood it's about 45 min each way. I can't remember the last time it rained and today it was the perfect storm..pouring buckets, tornado in McKinney, flooding type of storm. Just what I needed.
I get home and start firing off commands to Adam and his brother, Jason, as if I was a drill sergent. They were to go pick up the food at Central Market, collect the remaining items on my list, and load the car. I was to get dressed with a one year old running circles around me as I dodged bath toys that were being launched in the air and then get her dressed. Some how, I have no idea how we were only 30 mins late. Nothing wrong with being fashionably late...I mean Maison is the guest of honor so she should have a proper entrance.
Mommy and Daddy with the b-day girl:

Maison did so good...she opened all her presents despite the distractions of all that crinkle paper and the ADD moments when she had to go play with a previously opened gift. She ate her cake but really didn't like it all that much so we didn't get the messy cake face photo. I personally thought the cake tasted amazing! It was so delicious and Bake Rejoice made it to exactly match the was perfect.
Cake from Bake Rejoice:
Tearing into my first present:
Opening presents with Mommy:
I got a Cabbage Patch Kid!
Mommy explaining that HK rain boots are about the best present ever...
Happy birthday...check out my cake face!
I liked my balloons better than my cake!

Despite the horrible weather and the timing snafous, it was a wonderful celebration of Maison's first year. I can't believe it's been a year since we were blessed with this little girl coming into our lives...what did we ever do without her???
Taking my new CPK, Rae Rae (seriously that is the name that she came with) to check out my new ride: