Today we had Maison's 12 month wellness exam but given she has been sick now for almost a month with a bacterial infection (c-diff) it was really an UN-wellness exam. The only portion of the wellness exam we did was height and weight because she is too sick to get any vaccines and we spent the entire time discussing her illness we didn't even begin to discuss developmental milestones. So here's how she measured up...
Age Weight Height
Birth 7 lbs 9 oz 21"
2 weeks 8 lbs 11 oz 21 3/4"
2 months 11 lbs 14 oz 24"
4 months 15 lbs 2 oz 26"
6 months 17 lbs 7 oz 28 3/8"
9 months 21 lbs 0 oz 30 3/8"
12 months 22 lbs 10 oz 32 1/4"
Due to her illness she has actually lost weight and has fallen below 75% in weight...but her height is still holding strong at above 95%. I've heard the wives tale that if you double a child's height at 2 that is their adult height. Apparently, Maison will far exceed me given if you double her height at ONE she will already be 1 1/2 inches taller than me! Here's to hoping the 15 month wellness will in fact be wellness and not un-wellness.
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