So the sweat test for a child that could talk and you could reason with would be so easy. Not much too it really...they put an electrode on your arm, then remove it, then put a piece of paper to collect the sweat to your arm, then bandage wrap it so it stays on...then repeat on other arm, and stay just like that for 30 mins. Easy, right? Uh, not easy for a 14 month old that is screaming, squirming around, and pulling at her wraps. I will say, I thought they were a little excessive on their wrapping because both of Maison's hands were swelling from the pressure.
My mom and I pulled out every trick we could think of. Feeding, reading, playing, stickers, etc. It was one of the longest 30 mins of my life. Thankful the first try was successful and the doctor called this afternoon to tell us it was negative. YEA! No CF!
This afternoon it was unseasonably warm, in the mid-70s, so I decided Maison deserved a little outside time that wasn't just going to/from the car to go to a doctor's appointment or horrible test. We went out for a long walk and it really lifted both of our spirits.

Happy Birthday, Baby Bug! Hope you are well at 15 months!
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