She would literally let us play with anything. Fine china to play house, anyone? 600 thread count sheets to build a fort? How about a life-size mechanical Santa that checks off the "Nice" children from his list? Oh, and his list had OUR names on it. Yes, Annie Boo had it all and shared it with everyone.
One of my fondest memories at Christmas was going through all her Christmas cards. She has lived in Norcross most of her life and would get hundreds of cards. She had a big felt Santa who's beard was a pouch that held cards. She would receive so many that Santa couldn't hold them all and they'd be stacked on the end table beneath him. Every year, Shari and I would go through each one. If we didn't know who the person was she would tell us who they were, how she knew them, and other little tid bits about them. We always wondered and asked about the cards that said, "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings" instead of "Merry Christmas", being too young to realize that not everyone celebrated Christmas, like us. Little did I know then that I would later become part of a multi-religion family and I would be "Happy Holidays".
Annie Boo suffers from severe Alzheimer's so I know she won't be reading this, but we are so sorry we missed her birthday and didn't get to come to Norcross and go through all those Christmas cards with her. Happy Birthday, Boo!
Our "Season's Greetings" card this year:

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