Today Adam and I went out to the Blowhole and the Bellstone. The drive completely sucked (as in vomit, puke ride!) but the blowhole was amazing....the bellstone not so much. The legend goes that if you hit the bellstone with a rock in the 'correct' spot it will ring like a bell. Yeah, I didn't hear any ringing; all I know was that I was on a 'vomit ride' that I wanted to be off of. Regardless, here are the great blowhole and bellstone pics!
Tonight we went to a luau at the Marriott next door (Shari, where we stayed last time). The hula dancing was great and the fire thrower world class. The food and drinks were inedible--why is that always the case? Can't they cook a pig for 200 people that tastes good? Here are the highlights....
So the vomit ride isn't listed in the tourguide as a highlight?