Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Braum's Egg Nog ice cream does not exist; there I said it!

I don't like egg nog and don't exactly want ice cream when it is 30 degrees outside but I have spent hours over the last few weeks searching for Braum's egg nog ice cream.  The only reason I can come up with is that it is now all about the chase.  It started last Christmas when my mom innocently asked Adam and I to stop at Braum's on Christmas Eve and pick up some egg nog ice cream.  We went to 4 stores on the way, only to be mocked and laughed at because it was in fact Christmas Eve and the Plano locations had been sold out for weeks.  So this year we were not going to be egg nog ice creamless and thus started our search right after Thanksgiving.  We just stopped for the 10th time since Friday and guess what NO EGG NOG ICE CREAM!  Every time we stop at any location we are told the same thing, "The truck just came in today, let me go check. Nope, there wasn't any on that truck.  We should be getting another truck in tomorrow. Yall should check back then."  So what do we do, we go back AGAIN and it's the same story.  Of course every time we stop we have to buy something even if it's just cheese from their market area and Adam has to spend at least 10 min talking to the teenage or grandma aged clerks.  This search has seriously been worse than some I've been on for a coveted handbag.  I mean really, I found Kate Hudson's charcoal gray Chole bag after only visiting 2 could it possibly take 10+ tries to find egg nog ice cream???  

So I finally think I figured it out...Braum's egg nog ice cream does not's just a ploy to get people into their new improved market area to buy a bunch of over priced dairy products and local Texas crap.  Adam asked me to add a disclaimer to this posting in case any Braum's employees are reading....he DOES believe that egg nog ice cream exists and he will diligently keep the search party going.  If anybody has an 'in' he wants 3 gallons - 1 for him, 1 for my mom, and one to auction on ebay!


    Greating Marcia, from the Braum Family Farm. No this is not one of the cows, but nevertheless, we read your blog and figured an answer couldn't wait for Santa.

    No doubt timing is everything when hunting the elusive Braum's Egg Nog Ice Cream. We make over 100 flavors each year, and this time of year we make many, many thousands of cartons (the actual number is a classified secret)and many moe thousands of gallons for our dipping cabinets for cones and shakes.

    I'm not sure from your info whether you would like to have a triple dip cone or a carton of Egg Nog Ice Cream to take home and enjoy. Either way, we found that the following Plano and north Dallas area Braum's stores have both cartons and ice cream for dipping:
    Store 64, 600 E. 15th, Plano
    Store 104, 1428 Independence, Plano
    Store 57, 518 Centennial Blvd., Richardson
    Store 61, 1815 NW Highway, Garland
    Store 58, 2134 N. Josey Lane, Carrollton
    Store 91, 3400 E. Trinity Mills, Carrollton
    Store 53, 11821 Plano Road, Dallas.

    We hope this helps. Our elves (yes, they look a lot like small cows) are starting to take vacations because it's so close to Christmas, but we're glad we were able to catch them in time to help us with this seatch.

    We also hope this will make your Christmas Merrier and more enjoyable! Also, we invite you to visit us at anytime for more Braum's info and our Store Locator.

    And thanks for letting us have a little fun with this!

  2. WOW! You are the woman! Already a response from Braum's themselves...Maybe Kate Hudson will post a snarky comment on coping her Chloe bag!

  3. Response from Braum's or my mom (although not computer savvy enough to make the profile go to Braum's website) or CHRIS DURBIN!!!

    Do you think me copying Kate's bag will get me a shout out on Perez?

  4. Perez should be so lucky to have you on his blog!

  5. Love the Braum's response. I could check the 2 by me (Preston & Frankford and Campbell & Nantucket) tonight or tomorrow. Let me know......I've never had this particular ice cream.

  6. Holy smoke, I thought I was the only one obsessed with egg nog ice cream. My passion is the Marble Slab one, never tried the Braums one. I never can find MS's version either. Except in Victoria, Texas, where we will be for 6 days. And they serve it into the new year. Score!!

  7. I swear, I had nothing to do with this. I am currently in the hunt for Egg Nog that contains no HFCS. Surprisingly hard. Next stop, Whole Foods

  8. Maybe the "Braum's" profile owner will reveal themselves for Christmas? Even though we BOTH still think it is Chris Durbin despite his claim on innocence ;oP
