Wouldn't you know that during one of these sprints I ran into the segway cops. Apparently, bikers are so hazardous to the non-bikers using the BIKE trail that we now have segway cops to police the bikers from using the space that was initially created for them. Yes, that makes sense. So when I'm trying to have my most intense workout of my entire tri training I'm followed not by one but by two of Plano's finest to make sure that I don't break the 15 mph speed limit or put a runner, walker, duck feeder, rat feeder, etc in harms way. We know that taking out someone one stupid enough to feed a rat would be a bad thing...right?
I also find it interesting that the signs posted everywhere that say NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES apparently don't apply to the Plano police. So they can break their own rule yet I can't ride a bike on a BIKE trail without being followed. Seems like a good use of the ungodly tax dollars we pay on a yearly basis.
While we are at it why don't we have a nutria update? At the 2nd most populated spot to feed ducks I saw probably 30-40 nutria hanging out between the waters edge and the trail. How could there possibly be so many in one spot....well after a little research I found out that nutria are polygamists. The males take 2-3 mates which share one burrow. The females have 4-6 in each litter and have on average 6 litters. So even if you are not good at math you can see how last week there were about 10 and this week there are about 30-40. At this rate, if I lived with a yard facing the creek I would move because now that these river rats have a taste for people food and people they will soon be brave enough to go into yards and houses to find it. When this happens I'm sure it will some how be the bikers fault for getting in the duck feeders way and forcing people to feed rats. I can already see the aftermath: "Bikers band from Plano bike trails due to over population of River Rats." Doesn't make sense of course, but neither does anything else on the bike trail...
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