When I picked Maison up from school today she had a black eye, a cut in the corner of her eye, and a scrape across the entire eye area. I literally blurted out, "OMG! What happened to her eye?" Both of her teachers came over to explain to me that Maison was running on the playground and fell face first into a landscaping brick and the corner cut her eye. It was all I could do not to burst out crying when they handed me the official report they have to file with the state regarding the incident and when the school director came over to assure me Maison was ok. I was fuming to the point I couldn't speak and all I wanted to do was to make sure my poor baby was ok.
Maison seemed perfectly fine and was more than anxious to tell me what had happened to her, "I hit my eye on a brick." But I couldn't help but think horrible thoughts of how close of a call this was. The point of impact missed her eye by a millimeter, she could have been blinded, she could have gotten a concussion.
Maison looked like a celeb who had just had plastic surgery as she rode home in her Ray Bans to cover her "eye owie":
And she was certainly pleased when Mommy wanted to document her injury:

And even more pleased with all the attention: