Friday, September 9, 2011

Take a bite out of...

I just spent and hour addressing the invitations to Maison's 2nd birthday party. I gave them to Adam to stamp and told him when he was finished to put them in my purse so we could mail them on the way to dinner. I went back to working on the computer...

15 minutes later I looked up to find Maison BITING HOLES IN THE INVITATIONS! Adam had left the invitations in the floor of the playroom and was watching TV and did not notice our child ruining more than half of the invitations. In her defense, her 2 year molars are coming in so she is putting absolutely everything in her mouth.

Regardless, a Mommy Dearest moment was warranted. I literally went into a rage that quickly turned into tears. I spent hours looking for the perfect theme for Maison's party. Hours I could have spent doing other things. Hours that I certainly don't have to redo something that took hours to do in the first place. So if you receive an invitation with a big bite out of it...view it as a "Maison Original" because this worn out Mommy didn't have the energy to reorder, reship, and readdress...

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