I'm Mrs. 'You want a piece of me?'
Tryin' and pissin' me off
Well get in line with the paparazzi
Who's flippin' me off
Hopin' I'll resort to some havoc
And end up settlin' in court
Now are you sure you want a piece of me? (you want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. 'Most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets'
When getting the groceries, no, for real..
Are you kidding me?
No wonder there's panic in this industry
I mean please...
Do you want a piece of me?
Last night my besties and I went to the Britney concert. Jan had the brilliant idea for us to dress up as different Britneys.
So I guess you DO want a piece of me, and Shari, and Jan, and Kelly, and Adrienne....