Sunday, January 30, 2011
The Biggest B
Why on earth would anyone have conference calls on Friday and Saturday nights in the US and at the start of Chinese New Year, the biggest holiday in China? That is because I work on a project with one of the biggest Bs I have ever met in my life.
I know, I know...I have my moments but this woman puts me to shame. I work with people from all over the world and I always thought hands down that French women were the worst offenders, followed by Americans....but low and behold I was wrong, terribly wrong. This woman is NOT French or American...she is Indian and she is the worst.
Not only does she schedule conference calls at the most inopportune time, she also just asked me at 11:15pm to redo slides I turned in at 3pm today (yes, on Sunday). Really? I'm sure you can imagine what I wanted to tell her to do with said slides...looks like it's going to be a LONG night.
Dental school here I come
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Sliding into Spring

Friday, January 28, 2011
Run in with a rookie, Take 3
Last night the packing I had replaced on Tuesday fell off...A-GAIN! When I went to bed, I was dreading having to call the doctor first thing when I woke up to go in and get it replaced...again. So when I woke up this morning you can imagine my delight when one of the packings on the roof of mouth was hanging by a thread....literally. It was intertwined with the stitches and was pulling them out of the roof of my mouth. Since the bandage was hanging down I couldn't even talk. It kept hitting my tongue and making me gag.
I was in the waiting room hoping that anyone but Rookie Amber would come to get me. I'm sure the look on my face when she opened the door was "F&%#, why me"??? The doctor comes to see why I'm back yet again. He even asked if I was trying to get a job there. I politely informed him that TWO of my packings that his incompetent staff applied just a mere 2 days ago were falling off. He gave Rookie Amber instructions on what to do and left. Left! Left! I was tempted to grab him by the tie and say, "Screw rookie Amber, I want someone with real medical training to handle my packing issue, for God's sake!!"
But I didn't, and Rookie Amber is who I got. She detached my packing from the roof of my mouth and proceeded to remove my remaining stitches, which, by the way, she was not instructed to do. My mouth immediately filled with blood and she just shoved gauze in my mouth and proceeded to inform her trainee (yes! apparently imbeciles can have trainees) what she was going to do to my new gums where the packing was gone. She put the packing on, packed it down (obviously learning nothing from Tuesdays mistake) and huh! My new gums started bleeding AGAIN! I demanded to see the doctor after she assured me it was ok to bleed. I've had gum surgery before and it is not normal for it to bleed one week after surgery.
The doctor came back, said it was ok (really, what else could he say? My staff sucks complete a**, sorry for your pain and suffering while we train people?), told the imbecile to stop the bleeding and let me go. She literally shoved gauze in my mouth, told me to get a milkshake on the way home and walked me out. She did add "there will be no charge for today"...YOU THINK?
Anyone want to wager how long this packing will last?
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Here we grow again ~ Part 6, Stat Quo
Age Weight Height
Birth 7 lbs 9 oz 21"
2 weeks 8 lbs 11 oz 21 3/4"
2 months 11 lbs 14 oz 24"
4 months 15 lbs 2 oz 26"
6 months 17 lbs 7 oz 28 3/8"
9 months 21 lbs 0 oz 30 3/8"
12 months 22 lbs 10 oz 32 1/4"
15 months 23 lbs 5 oz 34 1/2"
Run in with a Rookie, Take 2
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Run in with a rookie
Then after the Dr put the needle for the IV in my hand (thank goodness she didn't), she couldn't get the IV tube fastened to the insertion point. So she kept bumping the needle while it was in my hand. The result, other than the pain at the time, is a big bruise on my hand at the insertion point and pain up my arm.
If that wasn't nice enough, I have a huge blister on my lip from either the adhesive they used to hold the tubes in place or from the tubes rubbing my lip for 3 hours. That's just what I needed, a blister to go with the roof of my mouth and 2 sides of my mouth being bandaged.
Speaking of bandages, she covered one of my grafts incorrectly and when the real assistant came to check her work, she told her she had done it wrong and it would have to be redone. So with no painkiller she ripped it off (yes, right off of where it was just sewn back together!) and replaced it.
So was I surprised last night when a huge piece of the bandage from the roof of my mouth came off while I was eating ice cream and I swallowed it? Nope, not at all. Am I surprised after 18 hours of taking loratab the only part of my mouth that hurts is where she ripped off and replaced my bandage...not so much.
All I know is I will request that this NON-rookie of the year not be involved in my post-op!
Blister on the left side of my mouth:
Bruise on my hand:
Friday, January 21, 2011
Cause when your fifteen...
Going under the knife
I had four grafts done in 2005 and two have detached. So repeat gum surgery it is...Awe-some. What's up with kids these days? I have my gums replaced TWICE by 36 and Adam was told he needed his hip replaced at 38. What's next? Walkers and dentures??? Geez!
Sent from my iPhone
Saturday, January 15, 2011
The anti-hangover
Apparently if you don't drink caffeine for 12 days and then down a 44 ouncer there are consequences...such as staying up all night and waking up at 7:00 on your day to sleep in. Awesome. So awesome, I'm back on the wagon.
Sent from my iPhone
Friday, January 14, 2011
a la Lohan
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Where's my chip?
Maison is no snow angel
400 Christmas gifts...

Friday, January 7, 2011
RIP Einstein
Thursday, January 6, 2011
What a #@&* ing day!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
2010 Recap