Friday, September 3, 2010

(Un) Pleasant Surprise

This morning when Maison and I went out for our walk it was unseasonably cool....temp was in the low 70s. I was pleasantly surprised by the cool morning, weirded out that I had to put pants and long-sleeves on Maison since I haven't done so in months and September is usually considered part of summer around here. Since it was a rare occurrence, I decided to take some pics of Maison in her "fall gear" with my iphone.

Hi, Mommy:

What's that Mommy:

OMG! Rat Attack:

Maison's reaction to my rat attack reaction:

Let's just say my neighbors probably thought someone was being murdered. I only stopped to take a picture because the last time their was an unwelcome guest in my neighborhood no one believed me. Yes, that's right...there was a baby bat on my mailbox a few months ago. I have Adam as a witness because I asked him to get rid of it. When he headed out of the house with what looked like a broomstick I told him not to squish him on our mailbox because I didn't want bat infested rabies guts when I went to get the mail. So he politely nudged him into the street. Did the stupid bastard get hit by a car, he got right back on my mailbox! He was gone the next morning and hasn't been back since. Thank goodness!

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