Monday, April 26, 2010

A trying tri

Yesterday I competed in my second triathlon and trying doesn't even begin to describe the experience....

I didn't do any workouts the week I was sick and last week I really had to take it easy because I didn't want to have a relapse.  Since I was so far behind on my training, I decided to go on a bike ride last Sunday despite the fact that it had been raining all day.  BIG MISTAKE!  When I was on the way home I hit a patch of mud going up hill (luckily not downhill) and wrecked my bike...nothing major, just bruised my elbow, knee, and ankle where I crashed.  It scared me more than hurt me and I was worried I had messed up my bike to the point it would need to be repaired before the tri.  

Friday night Maison started getting some red splotches which I thought was either a reaction to the vaccinations she received on Thursday or a delayed reaction to the penicillin she was taking for the ear infection and cold she had gotten from me.  Saturday morning she had full blown hives.  I frantically rushed her to the ped's office to get confirmation that she had an allergic reaction to the penicillin.  I took her by myself because we had agreed to do our neighborhood garage sale that day and Adam had to manage the sale.  We had stayed up until 2:00am trying to get everything ready and really didn't have the patience for a major Maison issue, but these things always seem to strike at the least opportune moment.

Saturday night I was still on the fence as to whether or not I was going to do the tri.  If Maison wasn't better I was definitely going to sit this one out, but I decided to pack up everything and get ready just in case she had an ok night.  Adam had agreed to care for her through the night so I could have a chance at making it.  She slept from 7:00pm to 1:00am right through her 9pm feeding which NEVER happens.  Adam got up with her at 1:00 and her hives were clearing up so I decided to go....

My alarm went off at 4:45am, I ate my carby protein breakfast, Adam loaded up my bike, and off I went at 5:15am BY MYSELF in Adam's truck.  Why is this significant?  1) I don't drive Adam's truck on the highway especially with a bike in the back.  2) I don't do directions while I'm the driver.  I'm a horrible driver so the multitasking of driving and navigating at the same time...not a good combo.  3) I had to park the huge truck in a 'parking limited' environment.  I made it there by 6am, I did not get lost, and I lucked out with a 'left turn' parking spot that had a curb on the left side.  Ok, so off to a pretty good start...maybe my crappy luck was changing?

First the swim...I started pretty sluggish, when I made my first turn I literally contemplated stopping and getting out.  I was thinking, "I can't do this...I'm not ready...I'm not well...I'm tired."  Second lap...."I'm not stopping...I'm not going to be that person...the sooner I finish, the sooner I get home to Maison."  I decided to pass the girl in front of me, then another person, then another...I just wanted out.  On one of my passes I did get past by a guy that literally swam over me.  We were swimming in a pool lane so I'm swimming on the left rope to pass and this guy tries to pass me and the other girl at the same time.  He started swimming over me so I had no choice but to push the girl next to me into the rope.  It was not pretty.  

Then the bike....14 mph winds.  Yeah, that was fun.  This was a very hilly course for Texas standards.  Going up hill in 14 mph winds feels like you are trying to pedal while trying to pull a semi truck.  At points I was only going 8 mph uphill into the wind and then 23 mph when I was going downhill with the wind at my back.  Just being in the wind was tiring much less biking in it.

Last the run...still windy, still hilly, still just want to get this over with so I can get home.  The run, like the bike, was 2 loops.  When I finished the first loop I was like, "YEA! almost done"...uh, yeah, that last 1 1/2 miles SUCKED.  I ended up finishing at 1 hr 30 min (I did have a good swim though...5:21).  My goal for this one was 1 hr 25 min.  I thought despite my illness and lack of training, I could at least improve my transition times and eliminate 2 mins off my last tri.   I'm going with "the wind got me!"  

I finished at 9:00am but had to wait to get my bike out of transition so didn't get home until 10:30am.  Maison was doing much better so I decided I would go ahead and play my soccer game that afternoon.  On the way to my game the "low tire pressure" message came on in my car.  Yep, sure enough when I got out at the soccer field the tire was making a hissing sound and was flat and sitting on the wheel rim by the time I called Adam to tell him what was going on.  AWE-SOME...just what I needed....a flat tire on top of a sick child and a sore, tired, wind-burned, sun-burned body.  I never thought I would look forward to a Monday, but it has to be better than this!

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