Friday, February 12, 2010

Fashion Police: Super Sunday

Welcome back to E! Fashion Police, I'm Gulianna last Sunday was Super Sunday when all the stars go glam for the Super Bowl and this year's game definitely did not disappoint. We have reviewed the ensems of some of today's hottest celebs from Brangelina to J-lo to Jennifer Anniston. Up next is our young and happening category from Taylors to Mileys to Maison Maslows...

Guiliana: First up is Maison Maslow. She is definitely new to the celeb scene and I have to admit I think for one of her first outings she really nailed it. She looks fresh and hip and dressed age appropriate.

Jay: I'm not digging the polka dot leggings. They are too 'Valentinesie' for me. I do agree though that it's nice to see stars in this category dressing their age.

Khole: I disagree Jay. I TOTALLY loved it. I think she looks edgy yet cute. I'll go as far as to say I'd like her stylist's number.

Joan: Are we looking at the same person? I totally think she should have worn this the previous weekend to the Grammy's. I mean a 'themed t-shirt'...really? Who's dressing this kid? Her mommy?

Let's see the 360 glam cam:

Will she be a 'best-dressed' or 'worst-dressed'? You'll have to wait and see when we return from this commercial break...

1 comment:

  1. Um, I can't tell from the Glam Cam, but is she rockin' pink or orange? Cause you know I say it's a total "do" if that ensemble is pink. But if it's orange, well I only need to quote the great Elle Woods.."Whoever said orange is the new pink was seriously disturbed."
