Thursday it started snowing sometime in the early morning and did not stop until late last night. And, when I say snowing I mean
really snowing....not like Dallas snowing. As the snow was falling I couldn't help but stare out the window thinking how pretty it was...couldn't help but think how much I was enjoying working from home on this "snow day". I was really loving the snow until 11pm last night when our power went out.
I thought...oh, it's just a little surge it will be back on in no time. Adam built a fire and we brought Maison in the den so that she could be warm. One hour without heat quickly turned to 2 hrs, 3 hrs, 4 hrs...we had a fire but we were FREEZING! We stayed up all night holding Maison, who was clothed in 3 layers and wrapped in two blankets, close to us as we sat by the fire. We took 2 hr shifts so whoever had the baby stayed awake to keep and eye on the baby and the fire. Needless to say it was a long night. A VERY VERY LONG NIGHT.
This morning at 6am it was 55 degrees INSIDE the house and the FISO box had exhausted it's back up battery charge and was beeping every 2 minutes. We were really ready to slit our we decided we had to bundle up little Maison, pack up the fam, and take our chances on the snowy roads to Nooey's and G'daddy's (aka my parents).
So I've lived in Dallas about 28 years and have NEVER seen this much snow. We got 11+ inches. Are you kidding me? Apparently, that is the most snow Dallas has had since the 1950s. I was going to take some pictures to document this record breaking snow fall but the camera battery was dead and due to the power outage we could not charge it but I was able to capture a few shots with my iPhone on the way to my parents this morning...
Woodruff park ~
Same park that I would take Maison for pram walks when we were staying at my parents (see Pram Parade)Dublin Road ~ main road into my parents neighborhood
Ellington Manor ~ Winter Wonderland

So, lovely snow, that I thought was so beautiful yesterday I have come to realize that you are the devil in disguise. You have frozen my family, caused us to be sleep deprived, and up rooted us from our cozy home. I no longer love you,, in fact I hope I don't see this much of you in Dallas for another 30 years. See you in 2040, you SNOW DEVIL!