After an extremely busy summer I thought I would be much better about keeping our blog up to date but with the house remodeling still on going and me being in the 9th month of my pregnancy unfortunately I haven't gotten much better. It turns out that September was just as busy as the summer...
Labor Day Weekend
The entire weekend was a blur. Saturday morning we drove to Austin with Shari and Robin to go to the 1st Texas game of the season against LA Monroe. We had decided that we would drive back to Dallas afterwards so that we could work on the house on Sunday. UT was blowing them out by halftime so we decided to leave at the end of the 3rd quarter. Everyone promised they would stay awake on the way home and they were all 3 asleep by the time we hit Waco. After dropping off Robin downtown and driving to my parents house in Parker (we were still staying there while our bedroom was remodeled) it was 1:30am. Needless to say I was exhausted after riding to Austin, tailgating, standing at a football game for 3 quarters and then driving 3 hrs back to Dallas.
Monday was labor day and my parents 41st anniversary so we went to their house for bbq after putting in a full day of house remodeling. My dad makes the best bbq...better than bbq places even in Texas...and he makes everything anyone requests. It was a great relaxing afternoon. Happy 41st M&D!
Tuesday was Adam and my 2nd anniversary. Adam surprised me with a breakfast of red velvet cupcakes and peanut butter cookies from a bakery near our house, The Greene Kitchen bakery, that we have been dying to try. They were fab! Some of the best ever! Adam took the day off and worked on the house with my dad and that night we went to dinner at Tre Amici. Great presents this year...Adam got a new kitchen and I apparently got a new master bathroom ;oP Happy Anniversary, Adam!
HK Paintings
Life is so's not uncommon with twins for them to share several traits but to also have traits that are the complete opposite of each other. Well Shari seemed to get more than her fair share of the 'good traits'. She is a brilliant tax attorney/CPA/CFP and I can't figure out how to give a tip in a restaurant without having Adam 'check my work' AND she is a fabulous artist and I can't do anything more than a doodle. How did one person get all the analytical skills and all the creative ones? So unfair, I guess I got the crap left in the middle...stomp, stomp, pout, pout.
Anyway, I am reaping the benefits as Shari generously offered to paint Hello Kitty paintings for the nursery. We have loved HK since we were little girls and I wanted the nursery to include her without being complete HK overload so I thought a few paintings might be nice. We decided on a tropical/water theme for the paintings and Shari really outdid herself. Here they are before we sent them for framing...Swimming kitty, Hula kitty, Surfing kitty. Aren't they just perfect?
A Star is Born Baby Shower
On Sept 12, Jan, Kelly, Kari, Adrienne, and Shelley hosted a baby shower for me at Adrienne's house. The theme was 'A Star is Born' so Jan played Maria Menudos on the red carpet and interviewed all the guests as they was hilarious! She really did miss her calling...she definitely needs to be an actress. Kelly and her sister, Kim, catered the event. Everything was delicious especially the chocolate chip scones. It was a fabulous day despite the rain - it was so great to see everyone!
It's Britney, Bitch!
Sept 18 was the Britney Spears concert in Dallas. Shari and I left right after work to go downtown in time to eat dinner before the concert started at 8pm. As you can imagine, the area around American Airline Center and Victory Park was a mess. We finally decided to go to Kenichi, a sushi restaurant, since it seemed to be the least crowded. Unfortunately it took forever and they had the most expensive water on earth. Some how I drank $30 worth of Fiji water that surpassed Shari's wine tab...excuse me, water costs more than wine? Anyway, we arrived at AAC at the perfect time...both openers (someone Debarge, and Jordan Sparks) had already concluded and Britney came on in minutes. We knew going in that this was pretty much a dance show/production type thing and not a 'real' concert since she lip syncs almost every song but we thought it was FAB! Britney is back in shape and arrived from the ceiling wearing a nude (yes, nude) leotard that had silver sequins carefully placed over her boobage and her privates. Due to the numerous lights and Shari's bad eye sight she thought she was in a full silver sequined leotard...that would be no. Miss Britney was shakin her bootie in the flesh, literally! She opened with Circus and went straight into Piece of Me. We had amazing seats (thanks Plat Amex, membership does have it's privileges...occasionally!) and couldn't have had a better time...ok, maybe if I wasn't 35 weeks preggy and could have partaken in the wine instead of the water. Or maybe if Britney had a 'hot mess' moment and screamed out "Merry Christmas" during the concert or said "What's up Washington" when she was in Dallas it would have been better because we would have witnessed a train wreck that for sure would be featured on Perez the next day...but no such moment happened. I guess Britney really has cleaned up her act. Here is her grand nudie entrance:

They don't ask how pretty...Texas/Texas Tech
After a very late night at Britney we left the next morning to go to the Texas/Texas Tech game in Austin with Kelly. We had to leave early so that we could be in Austin by the time Florida kicked off against Tennessee. Of course we were running late and then Shari forgot her ticket and parking pass at her condo. We had to pick them up and take them to her office since she was driving separately due to having to work. We arrived at Kari's house with just enough time to get to Third Base where the Austin Gator Club watches was packed city. There wasn't a seat in sight. We finally ended up at Joe's and watched the first 3 quarters of the Florida game before heading to the stadium to tailgate. Adam decided he was going to stay at the bar and watch until the end of the UF game and catch a cab to the stadium. I warned him against this since getting a cab on a game day and getting anywhere in the vicinity of the stadium would be a challenge. Adam showed up right before we left to go into the stadium because once he got a cab traffic was so bad he wasn't moving at all so he had to walk a few miles to stadium (hate to say I told you so).
The game was one of the ugliest I've seen. There were numerous turnovers, a bazillion penalties on both sides, and horrible calls by the refs. Colt McCoy had the flu and played like complete poo but despite all this somehow we won 34-24. The best I can say is 'It's a W, that's all that matters.'
We decided there was no way we could drive back to Dallas after the game so we stayed at Kari's. The next morning, Adam and I got up super early to drive back to Dallas. We stopped at Round Rock Donuts on our way out of town...and boy are they delicious! Adam had heard about them on Man vs Food on the Food Network and they definitely lived up to the hype and were worth waiting in the line out the door!
36 weeks and counting...
On Sept 24 we had our 36 week appointment with the doctor and received our first sonogram since 5 months. The baby was already 6 lb 13 oz and 19.6 inches! Apparently our little wiggle worm is not so little anymore.
I hit 38 weeks on Oct 7 and she's still hanging in there...maybe she is as opposed to all the construction dust as her mother and doesn't want to make her debut in an unclean environment? Or maybe she is just going to be fashionably late? It's definitely a race to the finish between the baby arriving and the house remodeling's still too early to tell who will come out ahead! Better place your wagers now!
Loves it as always! Jason just asked me what I was laughing at (I think it was Brit not screaming out "Merry Christmas!"). The HK painting are beyond fabulous! Looks like you paid top dollar for them. Maybe the next post will have pictures of Baby Maison!!!
ReplyDeleteTell Shari I LOVE those paintings! What talent! I cannot believe how great they look! I can't wait to see the room all together (and baby Maison in it!)