We decided to do Mother's Day dinner on Friday night rather than Saturday night as we had done in years past. We went to York Street which is a VERY small restaurant near downtown Dallas. We had reservations for 8 people and the restaurant probably held 25 at the most. They couldn't even come close to accommodating our party when it was time for our reservation as they needed several tables to make room for 8. After about a 45 min wait, they finally found a way to get us in and it was VERY cramped. Other than that the food was good and everyone seemed to have a good time.
On Saturday, Shari and I took my mom to lunch at the Zodiac Room at the downtown Neimans. We LOVE the Zodiac Room mostly because of the popovers and the strawberry butter. This time the popovers were rather small and a little overcooked. So disappointing! I chalk the downsize of the popovers to the economy...even Neimans has to make cut backs somewhere. Overcooking your featured item is unacceptable but the rest of the meal was delightful!
After lunch, we went to the Tutankhamun - King Tut Exhibit at the DMA. My mom has wanted to see this exhibit since it came to Dallas so Shari and I thought it would be nice to take her mother's day weekend since we had already planned to go downtown to eat at the Zodiac Room. I don't think we could have picked a worse weekend. Apparently, the exhibit was ending at the end of May so people were at anxious to go see it before the exhibit left Dallas.
We had advanced tickets for the 3:00 time slot and arrived at the DMA about 30 min before hand. It was unbelievably crowded. There was literally a 'Six Flags' style line in a temporary tent to get in for each time slot. There were probably 200 people for the 3:00 slot IN FRONT OF US! To make matters worse there was no air conditioning inside the tent only 2 large fans at one end. My mom had to go wait inside the museum while Shari and I held our spot in line. As if the waiting sitch couldn't get any worse, a bus load of about 100 teenagers all with 'iBand' t-shirts on got in line behind us. Apparently, 'iBand' is the cool way to say you are a band nerd. Why teenagers would go to the King Tut exhibit on a Saturday is beyond me...most of them were more interested in their ipods or texting than the audio tour device for the exhibit.
At 3:45 we finally made it into the exhibit....apparently the DMA doesn't give a flying flip about fire codes because there was literally crowds of people around each item in the exhibit. Since all 3 of us are about 5' nothing it was a quite a feat to get up close enough to see the pieces being described on the audio tour. For the large pieces, we would just sit on the benches, listen to the audio and view the item from afar. There were some interesting pieces in the exhibit....one of the organ tombs (as part of the mummification process the vital organs are removed from the body and stored in their own tombs), the tomb of one of King Tut's unborn children (even though he died mysteriously at 19 he was married and had 2 children that died before birth), and several of the tomb artifacts. What was super disappointing was that the body tomb and the well known King Tut mask were NOT at the Dallas Tutankhamun exhibit...they were conveniently on exhibit in Atlanta. What a rip? We waited in line for 45 min in the heat, subjected ourselves to potential swine flu brought on by the contained mass crowd for this?
Mom, Silks is looking pretty good for next year? Should I go ahead and make the rezy's? HAPPY MOMMY'S DAY!!!
"iBand" ROTFL!