Alzheimer's is a horrible disease that has taken the lives of my great grandmother Ma-ma, my great-uncle Jun, and my great-aunts Grace and Dot; all of which were my Annie Boo's siblings and mother. Not only has it taken the lives of so many that we loved, it as stolen so many precious years we could have shared with my Annie Boo. In December, she will turn 90 years old and though she is physically still here, she mentally does not know where she is, who she is, and certainly not who any of us are.
She is a far cry from the woman that was always perfectly coiffed. Every detail exactly as it should be from the Chanel suit, the designer shoes and handbag, to the carefully selected accessories. Never seen with a hair out of place or without her signature red lips, even at midnight in the check out line at Kroger. Every now and then she has a lucid moment where we see a glimmer of the woman we so dearly love. Something as small as an exciting tone in her voice or a heartfelt laugh. It is these moments that pushes us to do what we can to prevent others from living the cruel reality that is Alzheimer's.
This morning, Shari, Adam, Maison, and I participated in the Walk to End Alzheimer's in honor of my grandmother. Our team, Team Boo, which was the 3 of us plus my brother, raised $2450 for Alzheimer's research. We really appreciate everyone that supported us with donations. Our team ranked 15th in dollars donated with just 4 people!
Maison warming up for the walk:

At the starting line:

Walking through the fair grounds at Fair Park:

Maison hugging the elephant bye:

It was a very emotional experience but one we all thoroughly enjoyed. We will definitely have a team next year and hopefully earn more money to help end this horrific disease.