Normally this would just be a minor inconvenience to my athletic endeavors but when said sprain occurs less than two weeks before the Blackland Tri in Plano and exactly 3 weeks before the Plano Balloon Festival half marathon it is definitely a F.M.L!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
F.M.L. [F M L] - acronym meaning "f**k my life" or spraining my ankle for the ump-teenth time playing soccer before two major athletic events that I actually care about.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Beep, Beep...
Yes that is the sound of a major back up! At 8pm tonight, on the last day of the option period, the buyer wanted to amend the contract for major repairs to the pool and air conditioner so we let them go. For the first time in my life an annoying beeping sound was music to my ears....easy come, easy go!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Little Fish
Maison completed her second round of Water Babies. She is now swimming 9 seconds under water. Unfortunately, due to not being 2 1/2 yet she is going to have to repeat Water Babies one more time before being able to move to Super Water Babies.
Maison with her ribbon and Emler Swim bag:

Saturday, August 13, 2011
I could live in Seattle
Drip.....drop....drip....drop...what on earth is that? It's 6:30 am is that a leak? OMG!!! Is that? Could it be? NO WAY...IT'S RAIN!!! Yes, RAAAAIIIINNNN!!! It's seriously been about ONE HUNDRED days since we've seen rain. We are having about the hottest, driest summer we have had since 1980.
This morning as I was awoken at 6:30 am by the wonderful, wonderful rain, I could sit and listen and watch the rain or go running like I had planned. I know when it rains in Dallas the whole city pretty much shuts down but who could pass up the mid-80 degree weather and the glorious rain? So off running I went and it was A-MAZ-ING! I did not see a single person out but me. Not a runner, walker, biker to be had....but if people in Seattle run in the rain why shouldn't I?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Was that fast?
Last week we got an offer on our house...just 3 weeks after putting it on the market, and today we finalized all the paper work, etc. Now we are in a mad scramble to find a place to live as they want us out by Sept. 15. We still have a 10 day option period where they can back out for any reason. I'm not saying I want them to back out but I wouldn't exactly be disappointed if I had a little more time to enjoy our home. As Annabelle (Jodie Foster) says in Maverick, "Was that fast, I thought that was fast!"
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Hospital Times Two
It's only Tuesday and this has already been one of the worst weeks ever. Yesterday around lunch my mother was taken to the ER with chest pains, trouble breathing, vomiting, and extreme back and leg pain. She was given oxygen and a morphine drip and the ER doctors thought she was on the verge of having a heart attack. After consultations with her cardiologist and hematologist, she released herself and went to suffer in the privacy of her own home. This morning her cardiologist told her it wasn't her heart and to go see her GP and/or hematologist. They both agreed she was fighting off a major infection as her white blood count was only .9 (yes, less than 1) and she was extremely dehydrated. Aside from giving her painkillers and antibiotics, no one is doing anything for her despite the fact she can barely breathe and has trouble moving at all.
As if that wasn't enough to worry about, Maison had an appointment with the GI specialist at Children's hospital today. Normally I would have cancelled, given my mother's condition, but it took us 3 months to get in and see this doctor so I didn't want to chance rescheduling. Good news is he agreed Maison's current stomach issues may be due to a soy intolerance as our pediatrician thought. Bad news is he thinks she's extremely underweight for her age and height and wants her on a weight gain diet. He has referred us to a dietitian at Children's who will be assisting us in working more calories into Maison's diet. So far it seems we need to give Maison pretty much anything someone on a diet would not eat. Cream sauces, extra dressing, mayo on sandwiches, mass amounts of peanut butter. Hope this lady has tips on how to get her to eat it!
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