Sunday, March 21, 2010
Happy 5 months, Maison!
Today Maison turned 5 months old! Happy b-day baby ;o)

Spring Break 2010....little spring, no break
Spring Break 2010 officially wrapped up today. What have I done on this spring break? I was covering for my manager the entire week and for one of the test managers for Thurs-Fri. Being 3 people at work is oh, so much fun and makes for extremely long hours. On top of this, Adam left on Thursday to go to Vegas for Tom's 40th birthday so I was 2 people at home.
Thursday night I literally wanted to shoot myself. I'm really not good at being alone. I've never lived by myself and have never spent a night by myself since I got married. I'm a very dependent person when it comes to feeling safe. When I'm alone I think every noise is an intruder who waited until Adam left to come murder me and/or kidnap Maison. I literally keep myself up all night just in case their is a crime unfolding right under my roof. So while I'm trying to talk myself into believing the noises I was hearing was really just the stupid cat, Maison woke up 5 times. Each time she quickly went right back to sleep but it was disturbing none the less....and the fabulous cat cried, scratched, meowed literally all night. I'm assuming because he missed Adam but between him and the baby I got about 30 min of sleep. Great when you are 3 people at work and 2 people at home.
Friday was an absolutely beautiful spring day. I couldn't wait to get home to take Maison out for a walk. Finally, a relaxing night...or not. We strolled, we bathed, we ate, we fussed, we tossed, we turned, and finally she went to sleep at 11:00pm and I went to kitchen to scrape up something for dinner which ended up being baked ruffles with half and avocado. Oh, the joys of single-parenting.
Saturday we had another record breaking snowfall of 6 inches. Seriously, what is up with the snow this year? I've lived here 28 years and have NEVER experienced snow on spring break. It just doesn't snow in Texas this late in the year. I really didn't want to spend another night by myself so I begged Shari to come stay with me which she did. Neither of us know how to drive in the snow so we decided to order dinner. We thought we would try and had them bring us sushi. It literally took 2 hrs to come. Shari answered the door and told the delivery guy "Hurry up! It's cold outside". I'm sure the guy appreciated that considering he has to deliver food to lazy people like us in the record breaking snow. Our fabulous (yes, that is sarcasm) $60 sushi dinner arrived in ONE takeout box...literally so small I could have eaten it all by myself. We waited 2 hrs and paid $60 for that? Considering there was absolutely nothing in my house to eat we melted chocolate chips and dipped bananas and graham crackers into it. How sad that our 'chocolate fondue' was more filling than our dinner?
Gone are the days when I could jet off to Daytona, Acapulco, or Cancun with 5-10 of my closest girl friends to frolic in the sun. Gone is the understatement of the world...
No green beer this year
In year's past on St. Patrick's day you could find us sitting in our favorite pub drinking our weight in green beer but not this year. Not only did I not want to be the recipient of the line from "Sweet Home Alabama"..."you have a baby, in a bar" the thought of hours wasted sitting in a bar when I could be sleeping, shoveling sh*t at my house, or doing anything remotely productive was a little nauseating.

So for Maison's 1st St. Patrick's day, she dressed up in her "Kiss me.." green shamrock footie and spent the day with her Nooey and the night with mommy and daddy.
Aside....what's up with my kid and wearing weird things on her head? Yes, that is a onesie she is sporting in the first pic. She's the only baby I know that doesn't cry when something is on her head!
Mommy and Daddy did have 1 beer each and no they were not green...actually they weren't even Irish....they were Hawaiian Longboard Lagers ;o)
I pulled a J.Lo
Jennifer Lopez made headlines when she completed her first triathlon 6 months after giving birth to twins. Last weekend, I completed my first triathlon 4 months and 3 weeks (but who's counting ;o) after giving birth to Maison. Due to my c-section I couldn't start training until 8 weeks before the race which was 300m swim, 12.1 miles bike, and 5k run. My goal was to finish in 1 hr 30 min which I beat by 3 min finishing at 1 hr 27 min. I ended up placing 8th in my age group...YEA for slow people in the 36-40 year old group!!!

Lindsey, Adam's brother Jason's fiance...aka my soon to be SIL, came from Raleigh, NC to do the tri with me. So here we are "trying the tri"...the Keller St. Patrick's Day triathlon:
Getting ready to go line up...
Bagpiper starting things off:
Swimming (1st pic - me, 2nd pic - Lindsey):
Biking (1st pic - me, 2nd pic - Lindsey):
Starting the run:
The finish line:
This was a great first tri and definitely a learning experience. So lessons learned: I should have done at least one swim in a 50m pool rather than the 25 yard pool I trained in. I should have done more "brick" (bike followed by run) workouts because the transition from the bike to the run was hard to run on legs that feel like jello! And, number one lesson learned: pick a triathlon that is closer to home because waking up at 4:30am to do an athletic event completely sucks AND choose one that is during warmer weather because riding a bike soaking wet in 45 degrees is NOT FUN!
Happy 38th Adam!
On March 8th Adam turned 38. My mom graciously agreed to watch Maison so that Adam and I could go out to dinner on his b-day. We went to Mercury Grill which Adam had never been to and I hadn't been in a few years. It was AWE-SOME! I wish I had their lobster souffle right now. We had a great time.

On March 10th we had Adam's family birthday party at Jorg's Austrian restaurant....yes, we are doing baby friendly restaurants for b-day's this year ;o) Maison was great didn't make a peep the entire time we were there but Shari and I both wanted to cry because they didn't have any pretzel bread which in our opinion is the ONLY reason to eat there.
After dinner we opened presents and had cake at my parents.
E! News at the Academy
Hi, I'm Gulianna Ranic and this is E! News live from the red carpet. We are checking in with the hottest celebs on the biggest Hollywood night of the year. Unfortunately due to the rain, we have a limited number of stars taking part in the red carpet so we will go to some sightings earlier today...

Maison Maslow is quickly making a name for herself with the paparazzi. She was spotted earlier today with no makeup while out driving her exer-saucer. She is obviously distraught due to the untimely death of Alexander McQueen, whose gown she was scheduled to wear tonight. She quickly tried to cover herself with her burp cloth but the paparazzi were still able to get a few unflattering shots...
Rumor has it she changed her mind at the last minute and instead wore Ralph Lauren. Here is the young starlet dazzling in her last minute wardrobe decision. I really love how her yellow Mary Jane sock shoes really pull her look together.
At the after party, she definitely did not disappoint in a Juicy Couture footie that she picked specifically for the style and comfort. For a star that was not nominated it was definitely an award winning night for her...
In Parker, Texas at the annual Ellington Academy Awards bash there was a new tie breaker rule that played a major part in this year's outcome. After all ballots were in, 3 ballots (Shari's, Dad's, and mine) were all exactly the same. We decided that we would pick a 7th category in the off chance that those were the winning ballots. As fate would have it they were. We all 3 picked every winner correct but my dad was the only one who won the tie-breaker category and thus made off with "the pot". Bad run for me lately...lost last year because of stupid, "peanut head" Penelope Cruz and then this year on a tie-breaker rule. B-O-O, H-O-O!
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