Every year my parents have an Academy Awards party where we all get together to watch the show and bet on the top 6 awards: best actor, best actress, best supporting actor, best supporting actress, best director, and best picture. Each person prepares for the party in different ways. Adam and I try to see as many nominated movies as we can and try to focus on the ones that have nominations in numerous of the 6 categories we bet on. Of course this strategy is flawed because we end up basing our bets (or votes as I like to call them) on which ones we liked, not which ones The Academy would like. My dad reads everything he can about the movies in the paper and tries to decipher which recommendations to follow. My mom and Shari follow a combination of the two. Here is a recap of this year's party. It all starts with the red carpet..
Announcer: Let's return to Joan (aka Conni) who is live from the Red Carpet...Joan, who has been the standout so far?
Joan: We just saw Gail Andrews who was escorted by her assistant, Norman. I loved her Harry Winston jewelry. It was FAAB-U-LOUS!
Announcer: I see others are starting to arrive. Who do we have up next?
Joan: I'm not sure who this is approaching...hahahhaa. Let's ask and find out. So, who are you wearing?
Guest 1: Denim for Immortality
Joan: Let's have a spin so we can take in the whole look...lovely, lovely. And are you a nominee?
Guest 1: No I'm a presenter
Joan: Great, great....and who are you here with?
Guest 1: My husband, Adam
Joan: Adam, Adam...and who are YOU wearing?
Adam: uhh...uhhh...
Announcer: Joan, let's get an update from Guiliana Ranic who is at a pre-Oscar party. Normally E! crew is not allowed into pre-Oscar events other than the red carpet but this year there was an exeception...Guiliana?
Guiliana: We've had several guests go straight from the red carpet into the dining hall for a little pre-show snack or beverage. I'm amazed so many of the women are able to partake in the lavish spread and still be able to sit down in their dresses. So far we have spotted Gail and Norman Andrews who are visiting from Atlanta; Marcia and Adam Maslow, and Byron, Conni, Shari, Claudia, and Charlie Ellington all who are local. Here are some of the shots we have gotten so far of the guests making their way from the red carpet into this posh affair...
Arriving on the red carpet:

Kissing Oscar for luck:
After the red carpet and a round of eats it's time to fill out your ballots. Gail took the longest because she brought her internet research with her. After all ballots and entry fees are in the fun begins! We watch the rest of the 'real red carpet' as we stuff our mouths with our favorite food and drinks. The rest of the night is just waiting (and waiting, and waiting) for the results to come in. Isn't it amazing how an awards show can last 4 hours and all the interesting awards are always in the last 30 min? Why not just make the show 30 min and only televise the awards people care about?
Gail carefully selecting who to vote for...
And Adam carefully selecting the wine...
No talking while submitting your ballot...
All ballots are in and diligently guarded...
And the winner is...GAIL!!! with a perfect ballot of 6 out of 6. Never in the history of the Ellington AA party has anyone every gotten a perfect score and NEVER in the history of the party have I not won at least by a tie. It's like when a foreign film wins best picture (oh wait...it did). I blame it on Penelope Cruz. I didn't vote for that stupid peanut head because I can't stand her or her messed up accent. It's all because she had to make a coke commercial that all she did was burp. I mean really...how does THAT win an oscar? No I'm not bitter, I got 5 out of 6 right and had I voted with my smarts instead of my heart my record of at least getting a piece of the pie would be going strong....
There's always next year...CONGRATS GAIL ON THE BIG WIN!